
Mayflower Society Pirates Ashore Day 2017 in Plymouth MA

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Pirates Ashore day will be held on Saturday May 20th  on the Plymouth waterfront.  The Pirates are returning to Plymouth on Saturday May 21st    , 9:30am and they’re bent on mayhem. That’s right, in 1646 three shiploads of English privateers sailed into Plymouth harbor flush with Spanish gold andrich cargoes they had seized in the Caribbean. These sailors were hungry and especially thirsty. In the words of Governor William Bradford: “The Captain and eighty lusty sailors came ashore. They drank so much they behaved like ‘madmen’. Though some of them were punished and imprisoned, they could hardly be restrained.” Mayflower Society Pirates Ashore Day 2017 in Plymouth MA

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Pirates Ashore schedule for Saturday, May 20th:
9:45AM – Old Colony Club fires cannon to alert Plymouth Colony of mysterious visitors in the harbor
10AM – 10:30AM – Privateers arrive at the State Pier on Water Street. Pilgrims and Privateers walk through Plymouth to the Mayflower Society House
10AM – 4 PM – Visit the pirate encampment at the Mayflower Society House for musket and pike drills, learn how to use a cannon, speak with colonial artisans and sword fight with a pirate!
11AM – 2PM – Witness several sword fights between a rowdy sailor and the Pirate Captain at the Mayflower Society House
2PM – Final, fatal sword fight at the Mayflower Society House
3PM – Murder Trial for the Pirate Captain by the Plymouth Council of War at the Mayflower Society House – will he be convicted?

The Mayflower Society House will be open for tours at regular admission prices.